27 Jan 2012



Saya tidak akan mempermasalahkan apakah keberadaan bangsa kami Minahasa disukai atau tidak. Karena itu adalah permasalahan teoretis. Bagi saya dan bangsa saya, jelas bahwa kami memiliki hak untuk eksis. Jadi tugas kami adalah bagaimana menjamin kelanjutan eksistensi Bangsa Minahasa sambil sedapat mungkin memperkecil penetrasi asing. Kami akan berusaha merumuskan suatu tujuan yang sesuai dengan kecenderungan-kecenderungan rakyat kami dalam menjalankan tugas tadi. Dan agar usaha-usaha kami dapat diterima dan dihargai, kita perlu mengenal hal-hal yang mendasarinya, yaitu posisi Minahasa selama ini terhadap Negara-Negara sekitarnya”
(Dr. Sam Ratulangi, dikutip dari Het Minahasisch Ideaal [Cita-cita Minahasa), dalam Voordrachten en Mededelingen Indische Verenigimg 28 Maart 1914, ‘sGravenhage-Holland)



O Minahasa (“Hymne Minahasa”)
(Arr: Anonim)
O ... Minahasa kinatoanku
Salarimaé unatéku
Milek ungkawangunanu
Ngaranu kéndis wia Nusantara
Na un cingké, pala wo kopra
Sé ma teles me lelowa
Ref: Dano Toulour; dépo wo numamu
Tembur Lokon wo Soputan mawés umbangumu
O ... kinatoanku Minahasa
Sawisa méndo endo léos
Paléosta né matuari

O... Minahasa tempat lahirku
Sungguh bangga rasa hatiku
Memandang keindahanmu ...
Namamu masyhur di Nusantara
Karna cengkih, pala dan kopra
Kagumkan pasaran dunia ...
Ref: Danau Tondano dan sawah ladangmu
Asap Lokon dan Soputan menghiasi alammu ...
O ... tempat lahirku Minahasa
Aku rindu setiap masa
Aman damai dan sentosa

Opo Wana Natas
(Arr/Lagu: Johanis Kainde, 1939)
Opo’ Wana Natas é, témboné sé mengalé-ngaléi
Témboné sé mengalé-ngaléi, Pakatuan Pakalawiren
Kuramo kalaléi langit, téntumo kalaléi un tana’
Kuramo kalaléi un tana’, téntumo kalaléi ta in tou
Nikita intou karia é ni mapasu suat u man
Nimapasu suat uman, kana wia si Opo’ Wana Natas.
Si Opo’ Wana Natas é, sia simata’ u am péléng.
Sia simata’ u am péléng, mamuali wiam ba wo in tana’.
(Artinya: Allah Maha Tinggi:
Allah Bapa di Sorga, lihatlah kami yang memohonLihatlah kami yang selalu memohon keselamatan. Sebagaimana umurnya langit, demikian juga umurnya bumi,Sebagaimana umurnya bumi, demikian juga umur kita manusia.Kita sebagai manusia, hai teman, hanya berserah pada TuhanHanya berserah kepada Tuhan di tempat yang tinggi.

(Arr/Lagu: Frederick W. Ward, Amurang 1954)
Ampuruk ing-kuntung karege-regesan
Maka témbo-témbomei inataran
Ka saleén kaaruyén o kalélon.
Tumémbo mei ingkayobaan
Ca Mei mengaléi é karia é katuari
Sé cita imbaya an doong ta iyasa
Maesa é naté o mamemberenan
eluren ingkayobaan iyasa (2x)
(Artinya: Di puncak gunung setiap saat angin bertiup. Dari atas terlihat terhampar padang yang luas. Mengasyikkan menyenangkan serta merindukan, memandang alam dari atas gunung. Kami mohon wahai teman-teman dan saudara kita semua yang ada di kampung saat ini, Bersatu hari [rukun-rukunlah] dan saling peduli dalam mengatur dunia sekarang ini).


Sako miara si Luri
Piara nusia, leo-leosan
Leo-leosan nusia
Wo sia lalei
Lalei wia niko

Nitumo Mikir mikirlah
sa niko miara si Luri
Sasia Lewo lewoen
si gampang uman tumewel karia


Unggenang ku wia niko
Sako udit rumendem
Sako udit rumenden kita madua
Esa matua

Taan wo kumuramo
Oh genang ku wia niko
Genang ku wia niko
Taloso yopa siwo siwomu

Niko manembo nembo
Pira mo se dimangkoy lako
Se tedu matuari riroyor se taweng Sinai we uned

Se tedu matuari si taweng nai we uned
Ndoon nisia si rendem near


Ungkuanu aku rawoy
Akad tinayananu
Dengen anu aku lako
Wisamo sera rumendem

Peneselan ku wia niko
Rinte kampe makenalan
Rinte kampe maleo-leosan
Matua e matetayanan

Due meragos, saika genang niko
Taan kumuramo
Gemang mu mo lineleÂ’an


Esa mokan genangku wia niko
Tea mo madua dua genang ekaria

Mengalei ngalei uman, wia si Opo Waidan
Pakatuan pekalewiden kita um waya
Mengalei ngalei uman, wia si Opo Waidan
Pakatuan pekalewiden kita um waya


Jam pukul lima si rawan dumangkoi
Si rawan dumangkoi tumutut lalan temberan

Si rawan dumangkoi tumutut lalan temberan
Mange mateterang cinta mina putus so

Minange mateterang cinta mina putus so


SaÂ’aku ika genang, u reges dimangkoy lako
SaÂ’aku meilek wo tu mimbang
Dai siapa sitamuniko

E sayang niko weta, si toroi pelaya-laya
Esa man tea wo madua genang
Wo kita leos masenang

Pa bale bale urendem
Ma dupa uman wia niko sayang
Eeh sayang niko mo weta yo

Manesel wo kumurape aduh sayang
Tare manesel aduh sayang, kina jadi mo
Menyesal sudah terjadi aduh sayang
Biar menyesal aduh sayang takkan kembali

Makagenang genang tuminggal si mama sayang
Makagenang genang tuminggal si mama sayang
Terlebih lebih tuminggal kemudaÂ’an sayang
Terlebih lebih tuminggal sekaria

Maendo mo genangku ndoÂ’on
Mangelek-ngelek se kariaku ndoÂ’on, ndoÂ’on
Ma wadiwadian lako, mange sumikolah ee ndoÂ’on
NdoÂ’onÂ…. NiseraeÂ…

Oh mamaku oh papaku
Satoro maan nyaku sumikolah
Karengan man iwuriku endo wia muri
U rendem w oleos miu mama wia nyaku
Si rinte miu

Lautan ma biru biru aduh sayang
Dinaesang kumo kane
Dinae sangkumokane adu sayang
Ilele rendem ku niko

Lautan ma biru biru
Dinae sangkumokan lako ndoÂ’on
Dinae sangku mokane adu sayang
Ilele rendem ku niko

Luri wisako , Luri wo dimedene
Luri kayu jati, Luri rerendeman

Dimangkoy u rendem, rendemku wia niko
MaÂ’an mena numa, tunduan un lenso

Lenso uman putih, taÂ’an sinujian
TaÂ’a sinujian, ung ngaran ta dua

 itu laeng nanti ulang------------------------------



Uraian Singkat Mengenai Orang-orang Kristen Pertama yang Masuk Tanah Minahasa
dan Penerimaan Orang Minahasa atas Ajaran Keagamaan dan Pendidikan yang Mereka Bawa
Menurut catatan-catatan historis yang kita miliki orang-orang Spanyol lebih dulu datang ke Minahasa dari pada orang Portugis, yakni pada tahun 1525. Nanti sesudah 1580 barulah mereka lebih menetap. Orang-orang Portugis nanti datang ke Minahasa pada tahun 1563, sebagai usaha tandingan terhadap ekspidisi Sultan Khairun dari Ternate. Kedua bangsa ini datang ke Minahasa untuk berdagang pala, cengkih dan kopra.
Tetapi di samping itu mereka juga membawa iman Katolik dari negeri mereka. Pendeta-pendeta Protestan nanti datang ke Minahasa pada abad ke-17 (1663) bersama-sama dengan VOC (Serikat Dagang Hindia Timur).Mereka menggeser kekuasaan Spanyol dan Portugis.Pendeta-pendeta VOC itu antara lain, Ds. Jacobus Montanus, yang dalam perjalanan-nya keTaruna singgah juga di Manado pada tahun 1675.
Pada waktu itu ada seorang yang dibaptis, ada satu rumah gereja dan satu sekolah. Tidak jelas apakah orang yang diba-tis adalah dari kalangan pegawai VOC. Namun menarik untuk mengangkat di sini apa yang disebutkan oleh Molsbergen tentang seorang wali negeri Maluku bernama Pieter Rooselaar yang dari tahun 1700 sampai dengan 1706 mengadakan studi tentang keadaan di wilayah pemerintahannya yang luas, termasuk Manado. Ia menyebutkan tentang tiga orang pemimpin hukum tua, yakni Soupit dari Tombariri, Lonto dari Tonsea Tonsaronson (Tounsarongsong ?) dan Paat dari Tomohon. Disebutkan sedikit-nya ada 567 jiwa orang Kristen dan adanya pemimpin-pemimpin yang luar biasa, ada sebuah sekolah pribumi dan seorang guru keliling yang memimpin kebaktian serta mendidik para pemuda. Walaupun yang menjadi sasaran penelitian itu menyangkut kekuatan perekonomian di wilayah-wilayah tersebut, namun dalamnya diinformasikan tentang adanya orang-orang Kristen dan sekolah pribumi di sekitar Tombariri,Tomohon dan Ton-sea pada awal abad ke-187. Dari informasi itu dapat disimak bahwa ada guru keliling yang sangat mungkin berasal dari Minahasa yang sangat berpe-ran dalam pekabaran Injil dan penyelenggaraan pendidikan di ketiga wilayah itu. 

Jika kita perhatikan ini, maka kerja pekabaran Injil di Minahasa sudah cukup intensif dan dilakukan oleh guru pribumi, walau-penjumlahnya sangat langka. Molsbergen juga menyebutkan tentang Ds. Adams yang disebut-sebut datang ke Tondano dan tentang desa-desa Atep dan Kapataran(g) yang pada se-kitar tahun 1786 nampaknya menjadi tempat mendarat perahu-perahu dari luar Minahasa, seperti perahu yangd ikenal dengan nama “kora-kora”. Tempat sekitar Atep itu kemudian dikenal sebagai Labuhan Kora-kora. Walaupun disentil oleh Molsbergen bahwa ada harapan Ds. Adams akan memperhatikan kepercayaan Kristen yang pernah dimiliki oleh penduduk di sana, namun kita tidak memiliki data yang jelas tentang siapa-siapa orang Mi-nahasa yang dibaptis pada waktu itu. Dengan demikian sampai bubarnya VOC pada tahun 1799, telah ada guru-guru pribumi yang giat mengabarkan Injil dan berkeliling di be-berapa desa/wilayah untuk mengajar penduduk yang telah menjadi Kristen. Nama mereka memang tidak disebutkan, kecuali guru-guru pribumi yang memperoleh didikan para zen-deling di abad ke-19, sesudah VOC dibubarkan dan babak baru dalam pekabaran Injil setelah badan-badan pekabaran Injil terbentuk di Eropa pada akhir abad ke-18, seperti ada-nya NZG (Nederlandse Zende-ling Genootschap) atau Perkumpulan Pekabar Injil Belanda) yang didirikan pada 19 Desember 1797. Lembaga-lembaga yang giat melaksanakan pe-kabaran Injil ke luar Eropa itu timbul oleh pengaruh gerakan Pietisme, yang merupakan arus kekuatan kerohanian di Eropa yang hendak mengimbangi kecenderungan pementingan segi intelektual para pemimpin gereja di masa pasca-Re-formasi, kemudian menekankan agama hati, kesalehan dan pelaksanaan tugas menga-barkan Injil di antara orang Kristen.
Pemahaman Umum Jemaat-jemaat di Minahasa tentang Permulaan Pekabaran Injil di Minahasa. Peringatan Hari Pekabaran Injil dan Pendidikan Kristen di Minahasa, sebagaimana yang berlaku sampai sekarang ialah bahwa penentuan mulainya Pekabaran Injil dan Pendidikan Kristen di Minahasa nanti terjadi pada waktu para zendeling Johan Frederich Riedel dan Johan Gotlieb Schwarz tiba di Minahasa pada 12 Juni 1831. Ini menunjukkan bahwa per-hatian jemaat-jemaat kita lebih terarah kepada zendeling/misi dari Eropa dan peranan mereka. Dalam uraian di atas telah disentil tentang peran orang Minahasa sendiri dalam penerimaan akan Injil dan kegiatan mereka memelihara kerohanian jemaat. 
Tetapi, sejak masa kedatangan orang Spanyol dan Portugis, nama-nama rohaniawan asinglah yang disebut-sebut, seperti Pater Diego Magel-aes, seorang imam Katolik yang dipandang sebagai misionari Katolik yang pertama kali datang ke Manado. Kemudian Ds Jacobus Montanus dan Ds Adams dari masa VOC. Akan dapat dilihat lagi bahwa ada banyak pekabar injil dari Eropa yang datang ke Minahasa yang menetap di tanah ini sejak  abad ke-19. Boleh di kata bahwa setelah VOC bubar, maka ada kelowongan kehadiran pekabar injil yang difasilitasi oleh serikat dagang itu, dari tahun 1800 sampai sekitar tahun 1817. Namun sesudah VOC, orang-orang Kristen di Eropa yang merasa terbeban untuk mengabarkan injil ke luar negeri mereka di masa kekuasaan pemerintahan kolonial Belanda melanjutkan kekuasaan atas kepulauan di Hindia Timur (Indonesia). Keda-tangan pekabar-pekabar injil itu memang berkesinambu-ngan, tidak lagi seperti yang terjadi di masa VOC. Kehadiran mereka didahului oleh orang-orang yang ditugaskan oleh pengurus Gereja Protestan di Batavia (Jakarta). Umpamanya Ds Lenting dikatakan datang ke Minahasa pada tahun 1819-1820 dan membaptis banyak orang. Kemudian L Lammers yang meninggal di Kema pada tahun 1824 dan D Muller meninggal pada 1827. Pada tahun itu juga Jan Gerrit Hallendoorn, yang disebut oleh Molsbergen sebagai seorang guru injil dan oleh Coolsma disebut sebagai predikat bergiat di Minahasa. Ia digelari “peletak dasar pekabaran injil di Minahasa. Coolsma menyebutkan bahwa sejak Hellendoorn mengadakan perjalanan keliling di Minahasa, ia mendapati adanya sekolah-sekolah yang sangat miskin dengan adanya 400 orang murid, dan sampai kematiannya telah ada 56 sekolah dengan murid sebanyak 4.000 siswa

Sesudahnya barulah datang J F Riedel dan J G Schwarz pada 1831 yang disusul oleh para zendeling lain secara bergelombang, antara lain: C T Hermann, A Mattern N P WilkenZendeling Wilken memajukan persekolahan di Tomohon dibantu oleh guru pri-bumi bernama Alexander Wajong. Oleh kegiatan dan pemberian diri guru pribumi itu, maka murid-murid katekhisasi memperoleh pengertian yang lebih jelas tentang isi pengajaran yang disampaikankepada mereka.Di antara tahun 1848 dan 1851 datang pula para zendening Hartig, Bossert, N Graaf-land, S Ulfersdan H W Nooij. Pekerjaan Hartig, yang meninggal pada tahun 1854, dilanjut-kan oleh Linemann,yang dibantu oleh guru Hehanussa yang diangkat sebagai penolong zendeling di tahun 1856.
Selanjutnya di antara tahun 1861-1864 datang juga ke Minahasa para zendeling: H Rooker, H J Tendeloo, A O Scha-afsma, C J van der Liefde, J A T Schwarz, J N Wiersma, M Van der Wal, JLouwerier dan M Brouwer. Tidak dapat disangkal bahwa mereka telah datang dari negerinya yang jauh.Mereka memberitakan injil dengan terlebih dulu mengada-kan pendekatan dan penyesuaian hidup di tengah lingku-ngan masyarakat setempat di Minahasa. Mereka mempelajari adat kebiasaan orang Minahasa, alam kerohanian mereka dan cara orang Minahasa bermasya-rakat, sebagaimana dijelaskan pada bagian permulaan tulisan ini. Mereka semua tidak bekerja sendiri di tempatnya masing-masing. 
Ada banyak guru injil yang sudah memberi diri dipersiapkan dan melaksanakan kegiatan pekabaran injil dan pendidikan Kristen. Peranan orang pribumi dalam kegiatan pekabaran injil makin nampak di masa zendeling H Rooker bekerja di Tondano dan sekitarnya, sejak tahun 1855, ketika ia melanjutkan pekerjaan Riedel dan Nooij. Dalam melakukan pekerja-nnya, Rooker dibantu oleh Selvanus Item, salah seorang yang dinilai baik oleh Ridel. Sejak 1857 Item ditetapkan sebagai pembantu zendeling. Sepuluh tahun sebelumnya (1847) telah ditetapkan seorang lain bernama Adrianus Angkouw di Sonder. Selain kedua guru pribumi itu disebutkan juga seorang bernama Eliza Siwij di Rerer. Ia semula adalah seorang guru NZG, yang kemudian diangkat sebagai penolong zendeling. Rooker menyebutnya sebagai seorang yang memiliki sedikit kekuatan tetapi menghasilkan banyak hal yang besar. Ini menunjukkan bahwa guru-guru pribumi telah sangat berperan dalam pendidikan di sekolah-sekolah dan dalam kegiatan pe-kabaran injil, dalam pemeliharaan jemaat- jemaat.


Lembeh island creates a calm channel, protected from both the north-east and south-west monsoon.
Prevailing currents are also concentrated by the strait, bringing a rich supply of plankton, causing the visibility to range around 10-15 metres.
Water temperatures are generally rather cold for the tropics ranging between 24-27°C. Almost all of the dive sites are in the depth range of 3-25 metres, so combined with the temperatures: 5mm full suites!

The more you go to the North and out of the bay the dive sites gradually change into more Coral reef and wall diving sites with better overall visibility.
You can dive in Lembeh all year but the conditions do vary.
January to June sees variable (but still fine) conditions and less divers. August sees the poorest visibility but the richest numbers of critters. September to October are probably the best two months overall.
Around the island there are some small but beautiful Coral reefs and at the Northern tip at Batu Kapal, the currents attract large fish like Mackerels and Sharks.
There are also four beautiful covered wrecks, two of them large and all within limits for recreational diving. Unfortunately, since this area is not a national marine park, the wrecks are still being plundered for metal scrap.

AW Shucks - [1]
Next to a pearl farm, this site has a verdant mix of Coral and sponge growth in the shallows with a sand slope below along with a large section of weed/rubble.
The shallows offer such finds as Leaf Scorpionfishes, Cuttlefishes and a good Nudibranch selection, with the sand slope often hosting popular critters such as Hairy Frogfishes, Flamboyant Cuttlefishes, sea horses, Ghost Pipefishes, Seamoths (Pegasisae) and sand Octopus such as the Mimic and Wonderpus species.
Hairball 1 - [2]
This is the most famous of the muck sites and deservedly so. The (only) sand slope here can be exceptionally productive.
The position on a point means that the mix of currents brings more nutrients than on most other nearby sites.

In the cooler summer season, the shallows can be covered with cotton candy-like Algae, drawing 'hairy' critters such as the Hairy Frogfish, Ambon Scorpionfish and filamented Ghost Pipefish which blend right in.
Other inhabitants such as Cockatoo Waspfishes and Seahorses can also get 'hairy' as the algae grows on them.
Hairball 2 - [3]
Right around the corner but usually not as rich as Hairball 1, this is very popular as an alternative when Hairball 1 is overcrowded.
This is another sand slope, good for Octopuses, Seahorses and the like. A few Coral bommies in the shallows often harbour Frogfishes.
Teluk Kembahu 1 (or TK1) - [4]

Named after the village in the bay is another gentle black sand slope with a great chance of seeing many different critters in shallow, easy conditions.
There are low Coral patches below 12 metres and small bommies in the shallows separated by the sand slope. There are usually giant Frogfishes in residence on the Coral patches. Stargazers are often encountered, even in the daytime.
It is a productive octopus-hunting area and is also the best place in the strait to see a variety of Waspfishes and the special Devilfish in various colour patterns.
Teluk Kembahu 2 (or TK2) - [5]
This is a continuation of the same terrain and critters as TK1. Some of the dive sites in Lembeh can be hot one month and seem empty the next, but on these two sites there is always happy hunting with plenty to see.
This is prime Weedy Scorpionfish (Rhinopias frondosa) territory as well, with yellow, brown and purple specimens in residence for months at a time in recent years.

Teluk Kembahu 3 (or TK3) - [6]
This is a featureless gradual sand slope that is probably the best location in the strait for the sought-after Mimic Octopus as well hosting a wide variety of other Octopus species including the fabled Blueringed Octopus.
This is also the best site for the rare Ambon Scorpionfish, which is the closest relative to the famous Rhinopias.
The area can seem empty, but though there isn't the density of critters of neighbouring sites, it remains a favorite of many.
Retak Larry (Larry's Crack) - [7]
Another sand site, but with a small stand of healthy Coral in the shallows. This popular site along with Hairball 1 and the TK 1/2 area has good variety and number of different species like Frogfish, Ambon Scorpionfish, cockatoo Flounder, Seahorse and the filamented ghost Pipefish (in season).
It is also the site for explosive breeding Nudibranchs (Gymnodoris ceylonica) as well as various Slug species, not reported from other sites in the strait.
Slow Poke - [8]
A seldom-dived site between the more popular Retak Larry and Magic Crack, this gentle sand slope has some rubble, which can be productive and a single bommie that at times boasts numerous Ornate Ghost Pipefishes. For those who move slowly and are observant, Seahorses, Devilfishes, Mimic Octopuses and other gems can be seen here.
Magic Crack - [9]

A continuance of the gentle sand slope, the highlight of this dive is a Coral and rubble patch stretching from 12-27 metres and is the best place in Lembeh to find Thorny Seahorses.
There is a busy cleaning station, a strong Nudibranch representation, Ribbon Eels, Ghost Pipefish and also a good spot for the Wunderpus.
In the shallows towards the bay is sand, but as an alternative for the safety stop there is a healthy hard Coral garden to the side stretching southward out of the bay.
Magic Rock - [10]
This used to be merely a single bommie with exceptional critter numbers, keeping divers glued on this one rock for an entire dive. But El Niño caused water temperatures to rise which killed or drove off the life on that Coral head, which never recovered.
Now divers head out over a sand plain, gently sloping to a fantastic wall which goes from 21-50 metres in depth. The sand is usually not very productive though Waspfishes, Frogfishes and Wonderpuses are occasionally encountered. In the shallows there is an exceptional hard Coral garden from the coast down to 10 metres in depth which offers fine snorkeling.
This site is sheltered from the SE winds (June - Sept.), but subject to swell at times during the rainy season (Nov. - April).

Nudi Retreat - [11]
The most heavily-dived site in the strait, this is a lovely Coral amphitheater in the shallows.
It turns into a sand slope with encrusted boulders down below and two walls stretching out to either side sporting healthy soft Coral growth right up to only 2 metres in depth.
The prime attraction here are Pygmy Seahorses, cockatoo Waspfishes and Pegasus Seamoths along with the attractive underwater scenery and general variety. Coral Cat Sharks are often seen here on night dives.
Makawide - [12]
Excellent Coral growth in the shallows spilling down a wall towards the main channel of the strait. On the silty slope below the wall rise a few rocky pinnacles, from 26 up to 15 metres, covered in a rich array of life. This is an excellent site for Pygmy Seahorses and Nudibranchs with very good snorkeling opportunities, though it is subject to strong currents being more exposed than Nudi Retreat.
Jahir - [13]
The most popular muck site along with Hairball 1, this is just another sand and gravel slope with some rope sponge growth and a few Coral outcrops in the shallows.
Highlights here are Frogfish species, especially the fabled Hairy Frogfish (Antennarius striatus), lots of purple heart Urchins, home to the beautiful Zebra Crab, various Cephalopods (including the Flamboyant Cuttlefish, Wonderpus and Mimic Octopus), and a wide variety of venomous fish species.
Excellent for night dives with the opportunity to see the strange Stargazer (Uranoscopidae).
Jari-Jari - [14]
A continuation of the more popular Jahir, this is a wide expanse of shallow sand littered with Sponges and small bommies.
This site has a steep sand slope leading down to an excellent cleaning station occupying a single large rock down at 26 metres. Though not as crowded with critters in comparison with Jahir, there are still interesting finds to be had here, such as Stonefishes, various Frogfishes and interesting Pipefishes.
Air Perang - [15]

The name literally means 'War Water', referring to the jetty offering fresh water from an uphill aquifer, exploited by the Japanese during WW2.
This is an expansive shallow sand slope, more popular for night diving, especially when strong rising tides limit the possible options elsewhere in the middle section of the strait.
Good for Octopus species and recently popular for three Rhinopias found in the rubble sections on the Northern end of the site, but the barren terrain and low density of critters mean that it sees far fewer divers compared to the muck sites to its north. One highlight is the Bobbit Worm, commonly seen on night dives.
Nudi Falls - [16]
One of the three most-dived sites (along with Nudi Retreat & Hairball), a colourful sheer miniwall with a rock pile below, then a sand slope, leveling out into the main channel of rubble sprouting a forest of large soft Corals.
Scenically this site is unlike any other in the strait. There is a whole range of attractions here: sightings of rare Eschmeyer's Scorpionfish (Rhinopias eschmeyeri), Harlequin Shrimp and Boxer Crab happen regularly.
Robust Ghost Pipefishes, Wonderpuses and other muck critters are found on the sand slope.
Frogfishes, Pygmy Seahorses, Ornate Ghost Pipefishes, Batfishes, Comet fishes, File Shells (Ctenoides ales) and Peacock Mantis Shrimps are commonly sighted near, in or on the wall along with Nudibranchs.
This is usually the most Nudibranch-rich site in the strait and along with Jahir, it is the most popular night-diving destination.
Police Pier 1 & 2 - [17]
Like Nudi Falls, photographers keep complaining that the biggest danger on these sites is running out of film or disk space.
This is a rubble slope with small Coral outcroppings, leveling out into a sand flat with Rope Sponge gardens. Banggai Cardinal fishes, Barramundis (Lates calcarifer), Thorny Seahorses, Orange Frogfishes (Antennarius picta), various Nudibranch species and overall variety are the attractions here.
This is also a truly excellent night dive spot. The scenery isn't pristine; there's plenty of trash in the water, but it has always been that way owing to the traffic at the Water Police jetty that the site is named after.
Pantai Kecil - [18]
Next to the Police Pier site is a small beach, thus the name.
This is a rubble/sand slope with many Coral bommies and is similar to Police Pier in critters found.

Rina Wreck - [19]
An upright fishing boat wreck only just over a decade underwater,
it is not very overgrown yet, but offers an attractive dive.
The drawbacks are that it is hard to find and being almost mid-channel, is subjected to strong currents.

Napo Bronsel - [20]
A broad seamound forming a shallow plateau just offshore of the village of Tanduk Rusa (Deer Antler), this site has damage and garbage owing to being in front of an inhabited stretch of coastline. Still, there is a vibrant cleaning station and some good critter-hunting to be done, with various Octopus, Cuttlefish and Frogfish species being frequently on display.
Bimoli Wreck - [21]
This is a Japanese WW2 wreck lying in front of what is now the Bimoli cooking oil factory.
It was at anchor carrying munitions when it was blown up by torpedoes launched by an attacking US submarine (the USS Swordfish), causing the munitions to blow the aft end completely apart, which now is a pile of plating on the deep end of the wreck. The ship lies leaning to one side with the bottom at 32 metres and the highest point on the wreck about 12 metres in depth.
Schools of large Barracuda can be seen at times as well as Potato Cod in the hold, White tip reef Sharks dozing beneath and passing Eagle Rays. The sponge gardens below the bow and to the starboard side present excellent Nudibranch and other critter possibilities.
Visibility here is usually much better than at wrecks further up the strait, though wavy conditions can limit diving here during the height of the June-September SE winds.
Madidir - [22]


 translate sandiri ka bah.manado jo lb bagus.......

Use the map to jump to the dive site :
Lekuan 1 - [1]
This site has steep walls down to 35 metres, with some nice crevices and ledges, and an amazing Coral growth with giant Barrel Sponges, Black Corals, Gorgonians, and Ascidians.
The visibility varies between 10 and 30 metres and currents can be strong.
In the deeper parts you might spot a White tip reef Shark.

There is a good chance to have an encounter with a couple of Green Turtles. There is one hard to miss because it is enormous (nearly 2 metres) and has a tendency to rest on one of the ledges.
This site gives you a chance to dive with dense populations of bigger reef fish like Snappers, Bumphead Parrotfishes, Jacks, Emperors and Groupers. Take a close look at the wall because we have seen Leaf Scorpionfishes, Crocodilefishes, Mandarin fishes and a Ghost Pipefish.
Lekuan 2 - [2]

Also here you have a steep wall covered in Corals and many Feather Stars. Visibility is usually between 20 and 35 metres and deeper than Lekuan I.
Currents can be strong and sometimes you have down currents.
Here you find very deep parts and some interesting coves and shafts to cut across. Excellent numbers and variety of almost all kinds of reef fish as well as an outstanding invertebrate life.
Lekuan 3 - [3]
First a sandy bottom with pinnacles and rock formations which slopes down into a vertical wall with caves, that drops down over 200 metres deep.
This is one of the best places to see White and Black tip reef Sharks. If you are lucky you might see Barracudas, Turtles and even Manta Rays.
Celah-Celah - [4]
The reef top is very sheltered with hardly any current and has many different shapes of hard Corals.
The deep wall, depths from 5-30 metres and more, has a lot of cracks and crevasses and normally an excellent visibility.
The many Sea Squirts and Algae on the wall are great for all kinds of interesting creatures. Many reef fishes like Butterfly, Parrot and Surgeon fishes.
This site is excellent for night diving!
Alung Banua - [5]

Following this wall to the East brings you, at a depth of 20 metres, to a couple of small caves. Currents are usually mild and visibility is an average 25-30 metres.
Photographers like this site for the special creatures like the Crocodilefish, Leaf Scorpionfish, Ghost Pipefish and Frogfish.
This is also a good spot for night diving and the mild conditions are ideal for beginning divers and snorkelers.

Fukui - [6]
This site has no wall but a reef top at 3m that slopes down with several short, steep drops covered with hard Corals. Maximum depth is 22m and there is little to no current.
There is a cleaning station here which is regularly visited by two resident Napoleon Wrasses and other fish. It's a day-time job for the Cleaner Wrasses.
There are many schooling fish her like Spadefish, black Snapper, Jacks, Sweetlips and large Titan Triggerfishes. On the sandy bottom are Garden Eels and 5 Giant Clams.
Ron's Point - [7]
Situated at a point where two currents meet, this is an advanced dive due to its depth and the strong currents.
These are the conditions to meet the big stuff like Black tip reef Sharks, Barracudas, Tunas and big Jacks. The Coral rubble is home to Eels, Ghost Pipefishes, and lots of Anemones.
Mandolin - [8]

This coloured wall is located in the passage between Bunaken and Manado Tua. It has often strong currents and is very deep from 20-45 metres and more. Between 20 and 45 metres you have to be careful not to get entangled in a forest of Whip Corals and watch your depth!
In the deep are small caves with beautiful Gorgonians. We love this site for its fast drift diving and the variety in marine life, every dive you see something different.
At the end of your dive the wall transforms into a carpet of Sponges and hard and soft Corals. See if you can find Porcelain Crabs on bubble Coral or other small Crabs on soft Corals.
Tengah - [9]
This site is located in the middle (tengah means in the middle) at the West side of Bunaken and starts from the reef towards the open sea.
During slack tide you can choose where you want to go, but when the current picks up you are in currents hands, do not fight it, just enjoy!
You will see Yellow tail Fusiliers, Parrotfishes, Batfishes, Jacks and sometimes White and Black tip reef Sharks.

Raymond's Point - [10]
This is a deep wall with lots of soft and hard Corals and again a cave and many Whip Corals. The currents are usually strong and it might happen that you started your dive at Mike's point and within no time ended here.
You can find Lobsters, Angelfishes, Butterfly fishes, big Emperors, Groupers and so on. Great dive!
Mike's Point - [11]
This dive site was named after the underwater photographer Mike Severns and consists of a beautiful Coral covered wall. Huge Gorgonians and Sponges can be found along with Barracudas, Eagle Rays and White tip reef Sharks.
If you are extremely lucky, which we were not, you might see a large Silver tip Shark.
Sachiko's Point - [12]

This steep wall goes down to 40 metres and more and has usually great visibility up to 35 metres.
Caves can be found in the deeper part where White and Black tip Sharks may be found resting. The strong currents give a big chance to see Tunas, Turtles, Barracudas, and Napoleon Wrasses.
Other sea animals found here are Moray Eels, sea Snakes, Leaf Scorpionfishes, Nudibranchs, Crabs and Shrimps.
Bunaken Timur - [13]
Timur means East and that's where this site is located, East of Bunaken Island.
The site starts with a sandy slope with a depth of 5 to 10 metres and becomes a vertical wall with beautiful hard and soft Corals.
It is also a great place to do some snorkeling. Currents can be strong, but due to the length of the reef this is no problem.
It will take several dives to cover it all. The ledges and crevices are teeming with life. Look closely and you may find Ghost Pipefishes, Mandarin fishes, Leaf Scorpionfishes and lots of Nudibranch species.
Pangalisan - [14]
Here you find the same reef structure as Bunaken Timur a vertical wall in large steps, with many cracks and small caves.
With a visibility of around 20 metres and strong currents this site offers good drift diving.
The overhangs and caves are the places to see Lionfishes, Turtles and Sharks. There are also Nudibranchs, sea Urchins, Feather Stars and lots of Anemones with their inhabitants.
You may encounter the Black banded sea Krait and Stingrays.

Muka Kampung - [15]
East section of South Bunaken Island has often strong currents. This site has, again, a steep drop-off with a sandy sloping path on the tip of the reef corner.
Visibility varies from 10 to 25 metres.
The steep slope is dominated by branching Green cup Corals and Pink Hydroids and Butterflyfishes.
Lots of Black Damsels, juvenile Red-tooth Triggerfishes, Fusiliers and you might see Rays and Turtles.
In the shallow part you will find Razor fishes and, for the divers with a good eye, the Leaf Scorpionfish.
Siladen Timur - [16]
Siladen is a small island with a white sandy beach, located at the North East of Bunaken, and has 2 dive sites. This South side offers a stunning reef which drops of into a vertical wall with a maximum depth of 35 metres. There is a large variety of marine life to be found like Butterflyfishes, Angelfishes, Parrotfishes, Groupers and Moray Eels.
The bigger stuff, Jacks, Tunas and maybe a White tip reef Shark, comes in when the current gets stronger. This is also a very nice site for snorkeling.
Siladen Utara - [17]
This site has huge pieces of beautiful hard Corals with sandy patches and pebbles.
It slopes down to 25 metres and more. Visibility can be up to 25 metres and most of the time the currents are strong, which makes this an advanced dive site.
Strong current means bigger stuff like Napoleon Wrasses, Bumphead Parrotfishes, Groupers, Emperors and Sharks.

Manado Tua dive sites:

The name of this island means old Manado and is actually a dormant strato-volcano. Submarine exploration (searching for the Coelacanth fish, a prehistoric fish thought to be long extinct) also showed volcanic activity in the deep.
The steep slopes on land, covered with Coconut trees, continue under water in beautifully covered vertical walls.
The stronger currents bring in larger marine life like big Barracudas, Trevallies and Sharks.

Pangulingan - [18]
This site has different, Coral covered, shaped reefs, walls and plateaus. The depth is from 5-40 metres and more and can have strong, sometimes down, currents. Visibility varies between 10 and 30 metres.
Here you find Barracudas, Jacks, Trevallies, big Tunas and the occasional Shark.
The shallow part is densely populated with Batfishes and other small reef inhabitants.

Tanjung Kopi - [19]
This site has a sandy sloping underwater plateau that descends from 5 to 30 metres and transforms in a vertical wall that drops off to over 80 metres.
Currents can be strong and unpredictable with down currents and the visibility varies from 5 to 25 metres.
Look in the deep blue for White tip reef Sharks, dogtooth Tunas, Napoleon Wrasses, Eagle Rays and even the grey Sharks and Hammerheads.
On the plateau you can find a school of Black tail Barracudas looking for a meal. Batfishes, Triggerfishes, Sweetlips, Surgeon and Butterflyfishes are everywhere.
The best soft Coral gardens can be found on the Southern reef top of Tanjung Kopi.
Muka Gereja - [20]
This site has a beautiful wall, large Barrel Sponges, a rich Coral growth and canyons and caves.
Currents are mild and visibility is up to 30 metres.
The residents are Angelfishes, Butterflyfishes, Parrotfishes and Sweetlips. You might encounter Turtles, sea Snakes, and a resting White tip reef Shark in a cave.
Negeri - [21]
This is a stepped wall with again lots of Coral growth with depths from 20 to 50 metres and more.
Currents depend strongly on the wind direction, but are usually mild.
A lot of Butterflyfishes, Angelfishes and Parrotfishes hang around here. In the shallow you can find a variety of Nudibranchs and lots of Anemones. Turtles and sea Snakes might pass you by.